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焦点提醒:路通股分是以新型节能环保管道--年夜口径第三代持续环绕纠缠博璃纤维加强塑料夹砂管、顶管、树脂查抄井等新材料成品的设想、出产、发卖、安装办事为主停业务的国度高新手艺企业。公司在福建泉州泉港区、漳州东山县、和湖北黄石、安徽合肥、天津滨海建有出产工场,占地450亩,投资15亿元,建有近13万平米的厂房,是国内出名的最年夜持续环绕纠缠博璃纤维加强塑料夹砂管出产企业。 公司今朝具有中国第一条、世界第四条DN4000管道出产线,可出产直径4000毫米的超年夜口径管道,出产线的主动化、消息化水平高,处在世界进步前辈水中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事路通股分是以新型节能环保管道--年夜口径第三代持续环绕纠缠博璃纤维加强塑料夹砂管、顶管、树脂查抄井等新材料成品的设想、出产、发卖、安装办事为主停业务的国度高新手艺企业。公司在福建泉州泉港区、漳州东山县、和湖北黄石、安徽合肥、天津滨海建有出产工场,占地450亩,投资15亿元,建有近13万平米的厂房,是国内出名的最年夜持续环绕纠缠博璃纤维加强塑料夹砂管出产企业。



秉持 “以质量求保存、铸诚信谋成长、严治理出效益”的运营理念,路通股分以优良的产物,公道的价钱,完善尽善的办事,竭诚为我国根本举措措施扶植做出新的进献。“路通四海,管筑百年”!路通,铺就的不但仅是城市的良知项目,也是锻造了一个企业的“良知”丰碑。

Lutong Profile

Lutong Co., Ltd it is a national high-tech enterprise with the main businesses of design, production, sales and installation of such new materials and products as new energy-saving and environment-friendly pipelines, third-generation continuous winding glass fiber reinforced plastic mortar pipe, pipe-jacking and resin inspection well of a large diameter.

Production plants of the Company are established in Quangang District, Quanzhou city and Dongshan County, Zhangzhou city of Fujian Province, Huangshi city of Hubei Province and Hefei city of Anhui Province, Binhai New District of Tianjin Province covering a floor area of 450mu and plant buildings of nearly 130,000m2 with an investment of nearly 1.5 billion RMB. The Company is a leading enterprise of continuous winding glass fiber reinforced plastic mortar pipe in China and a domestically famous production enterprise of glass fiber reinforced plastic sand pipe.

The company currently has owned the first DN4000 pipe production line in China, the fourth DN 4000 pipe production line in the world. It can produce 4000 mm large diameter pipeline, the automatization and informatization of production line is very high and at an advanced level in the world which also filling in the blank of large diameter chemical building materials pipeline in China.

Till now, the company has 8 patents, 48 utility model patents, and the company also leading preparation unit and the main drafting unit of national standards (GB/T21238), industry standards of the main pipe and the technical specification for sewerage drainage pipel����APPine engineering.

Adhering to the concept of integrity and pragmatic innovation, Lutong pipeline is willing to provide high quality products, reasonable price, perfect good service, dedication to make new contributions to the infrastructure construction in China. "Lutong all over the world, pipeline cast for a hundred years"! Lutong pipeline not only paved the city's conscience project, but also cast a "conscience" monument of an enterprise.

苏ICP备10110832号    苏公网安备 32109202000130号   版权所有:江苏省乐鱼水利建设工程有限公司
地址:中国扬州长征西路14号 电话:0086-514-87361770