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乐鱼,剩余污泥低温干化热源首选污水厂出水余温热能 作者:郝晓地, 申展, 李季, 李爽(北京建筑大学城市雨水系统与水环境教育部重点实验室 中-荷未来污水处理技术研发中心,北京 100044)

焦点提醒:残剩污泥低温干化热源首选污水厂出水余温热能 作者:郝晓地, 申展, 李季, 李爽(北京建筑年夜学城市雨水系统与水情况教育部重点尝试室 中-荷将来污水处置手艺研发中间,北京 100044)中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]郝晓地,申展,李季,等.残剩污泥低温干化热源首选污水厂出水余温热能[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(6):1-8. HAOXiao-di,SHENZhan,LIJi,et al.Low?temperature Sludge Drying: Priority to Thermal Energy in Effluent[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(6):1-8.点击复制

    Low?temperature Sludge Drying: Priority to Thermal Energy in Effluent
    郝晓地, 申展, 李季, 李爽
    (北京建筑年夜学城市雨水系统与水情况教育部重点尝试室 中-荷将来污水处置手艺研发中间,北京 100044)
    HAO Xiao-di, SHEN Zhan, LI Ji, LI Shuang
    (Sino-Dutch R & D Centre for Future Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwater System and Water Environment < Ministry of Education >, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China)
    excess sludge;moisture content;low-temperature drying;sludge incineration;thermal energy;water source heat pump
    污水处置残剩污泥干化燃烧已被确认为污泥处置、措置的最终手段,也是正在实践中的项目利用趋向。可是,干化热源选择对能源耗损特殊是与之响应的碳排放相当主要。除非有高温余热能够操纵,不然,高温干化不具可延续性。在此景象下,污泥低温干化已成为最近几年来国表里遍及存眷的热门,特殊是基在洁净能源的低温干化手艺。为此,太阳能、微波源、空气源、地热源、污水源等低温干化手艺遭到普遍存眷。相形之下,污水处置厂的出水余温热能则是一种易得而又未获得正视的低档次能源。匡算注解,水源热泵互换4 ℃温差所发生的热能(~60 ℃热水)即是污泥低温干化所需能量的3倍之多,不但能够完全知足干化需求,并且还可助力污水处置厂实现碳中和运转。是以,污水厂出水余温热能分离式干化、集中式燃烧电热转化应当成为此后污泥干化燃烧的方针与标的目的。
    Sludge drying and incineration have been identified as an ultimate approach to treating and disposing excess sludge from wastewater treatment, which is also a technical trend in practice. However, choosing heat sources is a decisive factor on energy consumption and associated carbon emissions. Except for economically available high-temperature source, high-temperature sludge drying is unsustainable. Under the circumstance, low-temperature sludge drying has been become a research topic recently, especially with cleaner energy. In fact, renewable heat sources, such as solar energy, microwave energy, air-source heat, geothermal heat, and wastewater source heat, are gaining more and more attentions to. Among them, thermal energy extracted from effluent in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is a kind of lo����APPw-grade heat, which has been easily available but neglected chronically. The previous calculated results reveal that heat exchanged from effluent with 4 ℃ could offer 3 times higher thermal energy (about 60 ℃ hot water) needed of sludge drying, which could not only meet the need of drying energy but also achieve carbon-neutral operations of WWTPs. Thus, decentralized low-temperature sludge drying with thermal energy and centralized sludge incineration for combined heat and power (CHP) would become a developing goal for sludge treatment and disposal.


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    更新日期/Last Update:2023-03-17

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