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乐鱼,蓝色水工厂:框架与技术 郝晓地1, 李季1, 吴远远2, 李爽2, 李伏京2, 王征戍2, 蔡然2, Mark van Loosdrecht1,3(1.北京建筑大学城市雨水系统与水环境教育部重点实验室

焦点提醒:蓝色水工场:框架与手艺 郝晓地1, 李季1, 吴远远2, 李爽2, 李伏京2, 王征戍2, 蔡然2, Mark van Loosdrecht1,3(1.北京建筑年夜学城市雨水系统与水情况教育部重点尝试室 中-荷污水处置手艺研发中间,北京 100044;2.北京初创生态环保团体股分无限公司,北京 100044;3.代尔夫特理工年夜学,荷兰)中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]郝晓地,李季,吴远远,等.蓝色水工场:框架与手艺[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(4):1-11. HAOXiao-di,LIJi,WUYuan-yuan,et al.Blue Water Factories (BWFs): Framework and Technologies[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(4):1-11.点击复制

    Blue Water Factories (BWFs): Framework and Technologies
    郝晓地1, 李季1, 吴远远2, 李爽2, 李伏京2, 王征戍2, 蔡然2, Mark van Loosdrecht1,3
    (1.北京建筑年夜学城市雨水系统与水情况教育部重点尝试室 中-荷污水处置手艺研发中间,北京 100044;2.北京初创生态环保团体股分无限公司,北京 100044;3.代尔夫特理工年夜学,荷兰)
    HAO Xiao-di1, LI Ji1, WU Yuan-yuan2, LI Shuang2, LI Fu-jing2, WANG Zheng-shu2, CAI Ran2, VAN LOOSDRECHT Mark1,3
    (1. Sino-Dutch R & D Centre for Future Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwater System and Water Environment, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China; 2. Beijing Capital Eco-Pro Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100044, China; 3. Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands)
    blue development;carbon neutrality;phosphorus recovery;aerobic granular sludge (AGS);sludge incineration;thermal energy
    Increased environmental pressures have forced us to develop the circular economy. The blue development focusing on ecological cycles highlights the attribute of human beings going back to nature. Wastewater treatment is a kind of “scavenger” for our feces. However, high consumption of energy and chemical usage and little in valuable resources recovery makes it be in an embarrassing situation: “having to go ahead but being unsustainable”. Based on the blue development principles, appropriate ideas and technologies are required for the transformation of conventional activated sludge treatment process into“blue water factories (BWFs)”. BWFs emphasize four sustainable cycles as nutrients, biomaterials, heat/power and water, focusing on alleviating two potential environmental stresses: greenhouse gases (carbon neutrality needed) and phosphorus crisis (phosphorus recovery required). BWFs take the next generation of wastewater treatment: aerobic granular sludge (AGS) as a key technology, and sludge drying and incineration are applied as the ultimate disposal for excess sludge. Valuable resource and ����APPenergy is mainly recovered, such as celluloses from influent, highly valuable alginate-like extracellular (ALE) from AGS, heat and power from sludge incineration, phosphate & metals from incineration ash, and especially potential thermal energy from effluent. BWFs can not only realize the “Net-zero” impact on the total environment but also obtain a considerable economic benefit under the control of special smart system. The article introduced the framework and the key technologies associated with BWFs.


    [1]刘智晓.碳中和视角下城市可延续排水系统建立和评估目标系统[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(16):1.LIUZhi-xiao.Establishment and Evaluation Index System of Urban Sustainable Drainage System from the Perspective of Carbon Neutrality[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(4):1.[2]牛子帆,傅慧俊,赵和平.基在LCA的MBfR污水深度脱氮利用潜力阐发[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(3):88.NIUZi-fan,FUHui-jun,ZHAOHe-ping.Application Potential Analysis of MBfR in Advanced Nitrogen Removal of Wastewater Based on Life Cycle Assessment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(4):88.

    更新日期/Last Update:2023-02-17

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