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乐鱼,[1]许谦,蒋才芳,何志健,等.南宁市污泥处理处置工艺分析及展望[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):31-37.  XUQian,JIANGCai-fang,HEZhi-jian,et al

焦点提醒:[1]许谦,蒋才芳,何志健,等.南宁市污泥处置措置工艺阐发和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):31-37. XUQian,JIANGCai-fang,HEZhi-jian,et al.Analysis and Prospect of Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process in Nanning City[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):31-37. 南宁市污泥处置措置工艺阐发中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事

[1]许谦,蒋才芳,何志健,等.南宁市污泥处置措置工艺阐发和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):31-37. XUQian,JIANGCai-fang,HEZhi-jian,et al.Analysis and Prospect of Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process in Nanning City[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):31-37.



  • Title:

  • Analysis and Prospect of Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process in Nanning City

    • 作者:

    • 许谦, 蒋才芳, 何志健, 贝德光

    • (广西绿城水务股分无限公司,广西 南宁 530031)

      • Author(s):

      • XU Qian, JIANG Cai-fang, HE Zhi-jian, BEI De-guang

      • (Guangxi Nanning Water Co. Ltd., Nanning 530031, China)

        • 要害词:

        • 污泥处置措置;好氧堆肥;水泥窑协同燃烧;轻质陶粒;财产协同

          • Keywords:

          • sludge treatment and disposal;aerobic composting;cement kiln co-incineration;light ceramsite;industrial synergy

            • 摘要:

            • 从南宁市糊口污水处置厂污泥泥质动身,具体阐述了南宁市选择好氧堆肥、水泥窑协同燃烧、污泥燃烧制取轻质陶粒工艺处置措置污泥的缘由,并阐发了遍地理措置体例的特点,对发生的问题提出领会决法子。好氧堆肥的首要长处在在扶植投资省、扶植周期短、手艺门坎低,能够短时候内建成,同时具有发生臭气、占地年夜、没法领受石灰调度污泥和产物监管的问题;水泥窑协同燃烧具有显著的污泥减量化、重金属固化、污泥轮回操纵并削减水泥窑脱硝本钱等劣势,但一样具有手艺门坎较高、能耗高、检验时候较长的问题;烧制陶粒具有掺烧比年夜、手艺门坎低、易在建成的特点,但也具有对污泥的属性有要求和需要试烧的问题。是以,要完全处理污泥围城的问题,必需走多财产协同的道路,做到资本互补。

              • Abstract:

              • Based on the sludge characteristics analysis of Nanning municipal sewage treatment plant, the reasons for the selection of aerobic composting, cement kiln co-incineration and sludge incineration to produce light ceramsite were discussed. The characteristics of various treatment methods were analyzed and the solutions to the problems were put forward. Low construction investment, short construction period and low technical threshold, which can be built in a short time are the main advantages of aerobic composting. However, there are still some problems such as odor, large land occupation, no acceptance for sludge conditioning by lime and difficult supervision of products. The co-incineration of cement kilns has significant advantages in sludge reduction, heavy metal solidification, sludge recycling and the cost reduction of cement kiln denitration. But long maintenance time, high technical threshold and high energy consumption are the main obstacles for its application. The fired ceramsite has the superiority of large blending ratio, low technical threshold and easy to build. But the requirements of sludge properties standard and trial firing are still the problem to fix. Therefore, we must take multi-industry cooperation and achieve resource complementarity to completely solve the problem of sludge in light ceramsite production.


                [1]郭恰.IPCC污泥碳排放核算模子中DOC取值的不足与批改[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):49.GUO Qia.Lack and Correction of DOC Value in IPCC Calculation Model of Sludge Carbon Emission[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(10):49.[2]许劲,徐军,吕秋颖,等.水热碳化手艺用在污泥处置措置前景阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):54.XU Jin,XU Jun,LQiu-ying,et al.Perspectives on Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology for Municipal Sludge Treatment and Disposal[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(10):54.[3]李尔,曾祥英.武汉市主城区污水厂污泥处置措置近况和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(18):8.LI Er,ZENG Xiang-ying.Current Situation and Prospect of Sludge Treatment and Disposal of WWTPs in the Main Urban Area of Wuhan[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(10):8.[4]宋晓雅.集中式污泥处置中间的扶植与思虑[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(20):22.SONG Xiao-ya.Construction and Thinking of Centralized Sludge Treatment Center[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(10):22.[5]李雪怡,梁远,方小锋,等.北京市污泥处置措置近况总结阐发[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(22):38.LI Xue-yi,LIANG Yuan,FANG Xiao-feng,et al.Summarization and Analysis of Sludge Treatment and Disposal in Beijing[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(10):38.[6]李思敏,李思雨,唐锋兵,等.透风速度对市政污泥好氧堆肥氮素转化的影响[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(5):121.LISi-min,LISi-yu,TANGFeng-bing,et al.Effect of Ventilation Rate on Nitrogen Transformation of Municipal Sludge in Aerobic Composting[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):121.

                更新日期/Last Update:2023-05-17

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                • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]许谦,蒋才芳,何志健,等.南宁市污泥处置措置工艺阐发和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):31-37. XUQian,JIANGCai-fang,HEZhi-jian,et al.Analysis and Prospect of Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process in Nanning City[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):31-37.点击复制

                  Analysis and Prospect of Urban Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process in Nanning City
                  许谦, 蒋才芳, 何志健, 贝德光
                  (广西绿城水务股分无限公司,广西 南宁 530031)
                  XU Qian, JIANG Cai-fang, HE Zhi-jian, BEI De-guang
                  (Guangxi Nanning Water Co. Ltd., Nanning 530031, China)
                  sludge treatment and disposal;aerobic composting;cement kiln co-incineration;light ceramsite;industrial synergy
                  Based on the sludge characteristics analysis of Nanning municipal sewage treatment plant, the reasons for the selection of aerobic composting, cement kiln co-incineration and sludge incineration to produce light ceramsite were discussed. The characteristics of various treatment methods were analyzed and the solutions to the problems were put forward. Low construction investment, short construction period and low technical threshold, which can be built in a short time are the main advantages of aerobic composting. However, there are still some problems such as odor, large land occupation, no acceptance for sludge conditioning by lime and difficult supervision of products. The co-incineration of cement kilns has significant advantages in sludge reduction, heavy metal solidification, sludge recycling and the cost reduction of cement kiln denitration. But long maintenance time, high technical threshold and high energy consumption are the main obstacles for its application. The fired ceramsite has the superiority of large blending ratio, low technical threshold and easy to build. But the requirements of sludge properties standard and trial firing are still the problem to fix. Therefore, we must take multi-industry cooperation and achieve resource complementarity to completely solve the problem of sludge in light ceramsite production.


                  [1]郭恰.IPCC污泥碳排放核算模子中DOC取值的不足与批改[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):49.GUO Qia.Lack and Correction of DOC Value in IPCC Calculation Model of Sludge Carbon Emission[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(10):49.[2]许劲,徐军,吕秋颖,等.水热碳化手艺用在污泥处置措置前景阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):54.XU Jin,XU Jun,LQiu-ying,et al.Perspectives on Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology for Municipal Sludge Treatment and Disposal[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(10):54.[3]李尔,曾祥英.武汉市主城区污水厂污泥处置措置近况和瞻望[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(18):8.LI Er,ZENG Xiang-ying.Current Situation and Prospect of Sludge Treatment and Disposal of WWTPs in the Main Urban Area of Wuhan[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(10):8.[4]宋晓雅.集中式污泥处置中间的扶植与思虑[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(20):22.SONG Xiao-ya.Construction and Thinking of Centralized Sludge Treatment Center[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(10):22.[5]李雪怡,梁远,方小锋,等.北京市污泥处置措置近况总结阐发[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(22):38.LI Xue-yi,LIANG Yuan,FANG Xiao-feng,et al.Summarization and Analysis of Sludge Treatment and Disposal in Beijing[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(10):38.[6]李思敏,李思雨,唐锋兵,等.透风速度对市政污泥好氧堆肥氮素转化的影响[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(5):121.LISi-min,LISi-yu,TANGFeng-bing,et al.Effect of Ventilation Rate on Nitrogen Transformation of Municipal Sludge in Aerobic Composting[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):121.

                  更新日期/Last Update:2023-05-17

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