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乐鱼,微生物菌剂在污泥减量中的应用研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):38-46.  LIYi-yong,WANGGuang-hua,WANGBao-e,et al.Applied Res

焦点提醒:微生物菌剂在污泥减量中的利用研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):38-46. LIYi-yong,WANGGuang-hua,WANGBao-e,et al.Applied Research Progress of Microbial Agent in the Field of Sludge Reduction[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):38-46.点击复制微生物菌剂在污泥减量中的利用研究进展中国给水排水[ISSN:100中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]李义勇,王广华,王宝娥,等.微生物菌剂在污泥减量中的利用研究进展[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):38-46. LIYi-yong,WANGGuang-hua,WANGBao-e,et al.Applied Research Progress of Microbial Agent in the Field of Sludge Reduction[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):38-46.点击复制

    Applied Research Progress of Microbial Agent in the Field of Sludge Reduction
    李义勇1,2, 王广华3, 王宝娥1,2, 彭钧雄4, 杜建军1,2
    (1.仲恺农业项目学院 资本与情况学院,广东 广州 510225;2.广东省农业产地情况污染防控项目手艺研究中间,广东 广州 510225;3.广州市市政项目设想研究总院无限公司,广东 广州 510070;4.广州市广环环保科技无限公司,广东 广州 510145)
    LI Yi-yong1,2, WANG Guang-hua3, WANG Bao-e1,2, PENG Jun-xiong4, DU Jian-jun1,2
    (1. College of Resources and Environment, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China; 2. Guangdong Provincial Engineering and Technology Research Center for Agricultural Land Pollution Prevention and Control, Guangzhou 510225, China; 3. Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd., Guangzhou 510070, China; 4. Guanghuan Environmental Protection Technology Co. Ltd., Guangzhou 510145, China)
    microbial agent;sludge reduction;applied research
    Microbial augmentation technology has been investigated and applied in the field of sludge reduction in decades. The function principles, the microbial strains, the product variety were introduced in detail. In addition, the lab-scale or pilot-scale studies, the full-scale investigation, and the economic feasibility evaluation of the microbial augmentation technology were also systematically presented to promote a further application of microbial agent in sludge reduction. The function of microbial agent in sludge reduction was confirmed, and its research focus was also pointed out. This paper can provide references for the application of microbial preparation in the field of sludge reduction.


    [1]罗锋,彭进湖,张忠祥,等.南边污水处置厂污泥厌氧发酵制取碳源和投加策略[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(3):1.LUO Feng,PENG Jin?hu,ZHANG Zhong-xiang,et al.Preparation of Carbon Source by Anaerobic Fermentation of Sludge in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Southern China and Its Dosing Strategy[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(10):1.[2]颜莹莹,孟春霖,臧星华,等.深圳市污泥深度脱水应急项目的设想与运转[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(4):120.YANYing-ying,MENGChun-lin,ZANGXing-hua,et al.Design and Operation of the Emergency Project for Deep Dewatering of Sludge in Shenzhen[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(10):120.

    更新日期/Last Update:2023-05-17

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